Greylag family at Titchwell

Greylag close-up

Black-tailed Godwit at Cley

Avocet at Cley

Avocet in the rain at Titchwell

Avocet at Titchwell

Mallard duckling out of the water

Black-tailed Godwit at Cley

Kestrel feeding on freshly-caught prey at Cley

Nicely-plumaged Black-tailed Godwit feeding at Cley

Common Sandpiper at Cley

Wheatear on the shingle bank at Cley beach

Sandwich Terns at Cley reserve

Marsh Harrier over the reedbeds at Cley reserve

Sandwich Terns in the air at Cley

Little Egret over the reedbeds at Cley

Wheatear on the shingle bank at Cley beach